
Helping Trucking Companies Get & Retain Quality Drivers!

Helping Trucking Companies Get & Retain Quality Drivers!

Struggling To Find Quality Drivers & Have A High Driver Turnover Rate? 

Over the years, I've seen many truck drivers get hired with companies and they unconsciously pushed their drivers away while trying to retain them. Truck Thriver Inc. was created to make a positive impact on the trucking industry. Our mission is to help trucking companies improve driver retention and find quality drivers for their fleet. Many trucking companies and CEO's have challenges in attracting and retaining drivers:
  • High Turnover rate
  • Younger Truck Drivers are pursuing other career paths
  • Tens of thousands of baby boomers are close to retirement
  • Loss of customers due to driver shortage
  • Wasted Marketing & Recruiting funds, as there are only a few qualified and interested drivers

Do you know that your turnover consumes a large chunk of your yearly profit? This should be a big worry for trucking companies, because when you add this sum to other expenses, the profit account will suffer severe injury.

We Make Sure Your Company Thrives

We aim to help trucking companies attract better quality drivers using effective digital marketing strategies, and reduce high turnover rate. We provide coaching, consulting and training to help you achieve your goals

We Help Minimize Truck Driver Issues

We create your unique Driver Attraction System that attracts, sort and convert quality drivers to schedule appointments on complete autopilot. No more wasting your time and money with empty trucks in your parking lot. You need quality drivers to keep your company booming.




Hi my name is Elroy Whyte, the proud owner of Truck Thriver Inc. who specializes in helping trucking companies attract and retain top talents to grow their fleet by putting together trainings, build automated systems to attract and hire high quality drivers, build long-term relationship and increase their profits.

If you need help finding qualified drivers to grow your company click the GREEN button below now to claim your FREE gift.

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